Nice Craigslist weekend. As some may remember, I’ve been lusting after some Woodard Sculptura for years now, but couldn’t find the right deal for my budget. My Crafty Counterpart assures me that a little mig welding is well within his comfort zone, soooooo…challenge accepted.
I manage to find both a loveseat and a chaise, (yeah, a freakin’ chaise!) which need our love for $200…and an hours drive from here. MmmmHmmmm. I’m happy, they’re happy…the sellers were these groovy mid-century furniture dealers turned miniature horse farmers (craziest, cutest damn things I’ve seen in ages).
I have houseguests coming this week and can’t wait/MUST use them, so I might just add cushions until the welding can be done. The chaise needs a heat gun and some WD-40 to allow the back to adjust as it has rusted in the current position…no worries though…it will be fine. I’ll post some pics once they are cleaned up and repainted.