- Freaked out by snowflakes! http://t.co/OTL6jO1N http://t.co/Y2IgECSA #
- FREE fainting goats. Yes, you read that right. They exist. http://t.co/yMWHX6Yn #
- MCM bedroom…ask to split it up http://t.co/fXeORe2k #
- $25 for a pair of chairs with good lines. reupholster and you're done. http://t.co/fnGG6c5d #
- Pair Hurstline vinyl swivel chairs http://t.co/EIgz9XIS #
- Cute vintage patio set for $100-spring is coming! http://t.co/VzvCjnkg #
- Deal of the day: Super pair club chairs for $80 http://t.co/P18KeblE #
- Branches about to burst into bloom! #spingfever http://t.co/QvfF3sZG http://t.co/ScXH2YDq #
- Harvested Hellebore http://t.co/QBnmPP0u #
- Beth and Mark's hot sauce really does make everything taste better! http://t.co/7lcacWmH http://t.co/9TPCRzhq #
- Kapow! We have bloomed! http://t.co/zRQy8OcS http://t.co/G74S0cZ5 #
- Letting go of my frosty highball glasses b/c I'm sick of handwashing. http://t.co/oAvXG5zH #
- Has anyone managed to use tinypic on CL without ghosting issues? I hate using those wee CL pics, but I get ghosted otherwise. #
- Someone is selling a disco ball! I want it…dance party anyone? http://t.co/O1vbiEK3 #
- I like the $15 sculpture, the Michelob bottle, notsomuch. http://t.co/WKiELbQi #
- $35 painting project…large piece… "chester droor". Yup, that's right. http://t.co/dZbzAQtE #
- Brass/glass dining table for $100. I love how they value the glass over the killer BASE! http://t.co/CDndikDG #
- It's the same IKEA shelving @happymundane just fancified like this http://t.co/xm7c8ByD for $50! http://t.co/YoBMhKCp #
- This one is mine-clean out day! Chalkware cowboy $20-cute for kids room http://t.co/t127AXRx #
- Velvet chesterfield-ish sofa..looks in good shape too. http://t.co/42nj43qa $150 #
- Flea Market success-full flea review coming up! http://t.co/6AFeXmrx http://t.co/0xMp9cRZ #