- The price to rent camping gear in Maine to avoid schlepping it on the plane, I could have paid for a 4 star hotel room. #notfair #
- Local gardeners-Does Bates Nursery have a good herb selection? Lovage, Comfrey, Lemongrass on my list… #
- Poised to pounce at Thing 2's bus stop http://t.co/2frX9Gl5 #
- What happened to the outdoor butterfly covers with the grommet you used to be able to score on ebay? I see NONE?! #
- The @loveMINTYshop is live..I've already started pinning! Go forth and shop! http://t.co/gzkJBMFZ #
- Baking power protein muffins for TCAP week breakfasts-brain food! http://t.co/bqhqwXf9 #
- We did it. Just canceled ALL TV. NO DVRs, NADA. Operation Media Management chez Modfrugal is ON. #whathavewedone #
- I think there is an iStorm in my iCloud. All the e-mails I read through this morning are coming at me again like heartburn. #
- Love this chair $100 http://t.co/9QOXLPja #
- Oh Otto, how generous of you to place that nastyass basted rawhide nub in my clean dishwasher. http://t.co/CSvAaO9T #
- Love is… being forced to watch captainsparklez videos. #
- Pesto Day! Morning Sage harvest is complete… http://t.co/DIoxKBE6 #
- Enough NPR, you're making me depressed today.Time to crank the tunes and pulverize some garlic. #sagepesto #
- Where would we be without garlic and salt? http://t.co/WYww0V4t #
- Little "earl" with the sage http://t.co/O6AjnRl4 #
- Sage pesto. Now to add nut and garlic mixture… http://t.co/8etLGEeX #
- Raw almonds, crushed garlic and salt going in http://t.co/kNiTd0S9 #
- That's more like it. Sage pesto done. http://t.co/pGUotEUd #
- Aftermath. http://t.co/o0e2WKEU #
- Candlemakers..some supplies for sale in East Nashville! http://t.co/67CmimwO #
- Homecrest swivel rocker for $40-looks in good shape too. http://t.co/O7RAJikp #
- Can't afford a real Lalanne? How about this Vietnamese Camel Bar? http://t.co/Hj7hFOoI #
- Lemon Verbena at Trader Joe's?! Sweeeeet. http://t.co/yegst5PG #
- For the record, a dead car battery on flea market day is JUST PLAIN RUDE. #
- Treehouse camping tonight..so of course it's starting to sprinkle! http://t.co/IgYG7Odz #
- Again…. http://t.co/jMbHePAy #
- Light Saber http://t.co/tQYhcuNo #