Warner Parks App

Have you have found yourself biking along the paths in the Warner Parks, paper map in hand, thinking you are all prepared and stuff, only to come to an unmarked fork in the road, and you can’t tell where on the map you actually are? And taking the wrong turn, thus leading you to the opposite end of the park from your car…me neither. Did you happen to have your children along to curse your very existence as they huff and puff up the hills…on Mother’s Day? Yeah, I don’t know ANYTHING about that. If such a calamity were to befall some chump like that, there is hope.

Warner Parks App

This may be old news to everyone but me – I don’t know how I missed the release of this app a few months ago, but I have it now and used it today…so far so good!

It’s interactive, so when you get to that fork in the road, you can see where in the park you are and save yourself the humiliation and tortuous work of having to re-climb Luke Lea Heights….or the shame in allowing your gracious husband to bike all the way back up Page Road and Chickering to get the car so your children don’t file legal separation papers…not that I know anything about that either.

There’s also Flora, Fauna, Geology and Ecology as well as a photo gallery posted by Facebook followers, events, you name it. The only weird thing is that the name of the app is Natural Areas, which is a little misleading, but if you search for Warner Parks in the App store, it will still come up.


Warner Parks App

Happy Trails Nashvillians!