Common Interior Design Mispronunciations

pronunciationWhile reading this post on Design Mom, I was reminded that I too had originally pronounced Thonet as “Tho-NAY” instead of “Ton-NET”. I took French in school and it was a natural assumption when looking at the spelling, but it was wrong, wrong, wrong.

Let’s face it-when we are first acquainted with a new name or word, it is often visually, not aurally, so we have to decide for ourselves what we think it sounds like in our heads. Especially with foreign names, it’s often a stab in the dark and embarrassingly off, since it’s counter-intuitive to our language rules.

The next question is, once you know better, do you sound like a jerky know it all when pronouncing the names correctly, when the cultural norm is to pronounce it incorrectly? Probably.

For me, it’s situational. While I have been blissfully unaware of mispronunciations on my part, I have also been known to intentionally go with the norm rather than the accurate pronunciation in certain circumstances where it would have drawn attention to myself and been uncomfortable. Who wants to be THAT guy? Not me, thanks.

Here’s a run down of a few common hits and misses, according to American English. Some of these would vary in other languages, especially the Scandinavian ones. A good resource to see/hear the variations in many of these is HERE. Dana at Mid2Mod has a more extensive post about this HERE, which I used as a source for a few of these, as well as AT’s post HERE and various design forums.

Please add your own in the will be fun!! What’s your most embarrassing design mispronunciation? I might have too many to count…


Milo Baughman “MY-lo BOFF-man” not “MEE-lo BOW-man” or “BAW-man”

Marcel Breuer  “mar-SELL BROY-er” not “BREW-er” or “BROW-er”

Georg Jensen “GYOR YEN-sen” not “George JEN-sen”

C. Jeré  (a copyrighted pseudonym formed by combining the names of Jerry Fels and Curtis (Kurt) Freiler of Artisan House, undoubtedly to create the illusion of having a French designer on staff) “SEE Zhair-AY” not “SEE JAIR”

Finn Juhl  “FIN YOOL” not “FIN JEWEL”

Poul Kjaerholm “POLE CARE-holm” not “PAUL KuhJAYer-holm”

Kroehler – “KRAY-ler” not “KROW-ler”

Serge Mouille  “SAIRGE MOO-weeyuh” not “SURGE MOOL”  * See comments on this one!

Richard Neutra “NI-tra or NOI-tra” not “NEW-tra”

Gio Ponti  A subtle cross between “JAH and JOE PAWN-ti” not “JEE-o PAHN-ti” Apparently for Italians, it’s a dipthong, not 2 syllables.

Harvey Probber “PRO-ber” not “PRA-ber”

Jens Quistgaard “YENS KWIST-a-gar” not “JENZ KWIST-guard”

Hans Wegner  “HANS (ending in “s” not “z”) VINE-nehr” or “VEG-ner” this one is the most hotly debated depending on regional Danish dialects, but all agree it’s not “WEG-nur”

As you can see, even the “correct” versions are dissected and argued in many forums. I once read that no two French people will pronounce Serge Mouille the exact same way, so take it all in with that in mind!

I’m still working to break myself from calling a kilim rug a “KILL-im” (nice huh?) instead of the correct “kee-LEEM”, and everywhere I turn in Nashville, I will still hear the ubiquitous “EYE-cat” instead “EE-kaht” for ikat.

At the end of the day, we all just do the best we can. Ikea will ALWAYS be “eye-KEE-uh” on this side of the pond, never “ee-KAY-uh” as the Swedes pronounce it, but it’s nice to know the difference.



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Movie Nights

Long time readers know we are big fans of outdoor movie nights, and this weekend we hosted a party for Thing One’s group.

We upgraded our movie screen and it has been performing really well, but we had to add a little tweak this time to get it as taut as it needs to be. I think that washing and drying the movie screen will bring it back, but we didn’t have time for that Friday afternoon, so picnic tablecloth weights to the rescue!

modfrugal outdoor movie night

modfrugal outdoor movie night

modfrugal outdoor movie night

The ants smoothed everything out nicely.

We like to keep the food pretty casual – it’s a kid party after all, so we went for all finger food and provided trays for easy on-lap eating.


modfrugal outdoor movie night

modfrugal outdoor movie night

modfrugal outdoor movie night

modfrugal outdoor movie night

This was our third time scheduling this party!!  The first two attempts were rained out thanks to our new monsoon-like climate.

While it was dry, it was pretty hot and humid, so, no campfire and s’mores offered for this one, but the way those boys inhaled brownies and cupcakes, I don’t think they even noticed.

modfrugal outdoor movie night


How We Camp (Glamp)

Over the years, we have gotten lots of questions about how we camp as a family, and what we bring etc.. so I decided it was high time to show you. For one, we aren’t really camping, we’re glamping. Car camping is a different beast than proper backwoods camping, so I would like to get that clarification out of the way.

We bring too much stuff.

We have a great time.

It takes a lot of planning.

Modfrugal glamping

This is how the dining room looks before every trip.

Modfrugal glamping

Modfrugal glamping

Modfrugal glamping

Modfrugal glamping

Modfrugal glamping


As you can see…a lot of gear. Some campsites have great spots at the bath houses for washing dishes, others, notsomuch, so we usually take biodegradable plates and utensils so we only have to wash up the cutting board and cutlery. More and more campsites are offering recycling now, so call ahead and ask.


Modfrugal glamping

I also enjoy using baskets and liners since it creates less waste, and things like hot dogs won’t roll off the plate into the dirt.

Modfrugal glamping

We pack a battery powered air pump (shown in the 3rd photo) which not only gets the mattresses filled, but is the PERFECT campfire ember resurrection tool. No more sticking your face in the smoke to blow the embers!! You just point your pump, turn it on for a few seconds and your flames will be back without self asphyxiation – everyone wins!


modfrugal glamping

The blue tent below is our 15+ year old tent we replaced this year since it was threadbare, but it was the BEST. I called it the McMansion tent, since it was a little OTT and large, but again, this is glamping, so go big, or go home.


modfrugal glamping

modfrugal glamping

Our new tent had a smaller footprint, which we wanted in order to be more accommodating to the different sized pads at various campsites. Turns out, if it leaks, it’s not worth it. The McMansion had seen plenty of wet action over the years and never leaked, so we’ll be looking for another tent this fall.

modfrugal glamping

modfrugal glamping

The other FAQ we get is WHAT DO WE EAT? The answer is a lot of things, as long as you plan it out ahead of time. Simple steps, like making the pancake batter and packing it ready to squirt in an industrial squeeze bottle, will make meal prep easier.

Most campsites come with an adjustable grate over the fire ring, so we just bring the giant cast iron skillet and some foil, and cook pretty much everything in them. We cook a big breakfast, but lunch is on the go since we are usually out exploring, hiking, biking, fishing, whatever, so we just snack on granola bars or something to hold us over until dinner.

We have a BIG cooler, with wheels, and it’s always heaving when we leave.

Modfrugal glamping

Modfrugal glamping

Modfrugal glamping


IMG_6620  IMG_3373

I should also note that I like to pack smushables, like tomatoes and grapes, in hard sided containers. They are great to use for leftovers later and they keep everything round and plump.

Modfrugal glamping

Modfrugal glamping

Depending on where you camp, you have to be really careful about food.

Modfrugal glamping


This means packing up the box of food and your cooler and putting it back in the car after meals. Even if you are not in bear territory, squirrels and raccoons can eat through a plastic trug in a very short period of time.

We also take a tarp and extra tent stakes in case it rains while we are making a meal.


modfrugal glamping

modfrugal glamping

Our list of items varies depending on where we camp, but this is pretty much what we take most trips:

plates, cups, bowls, baskets/liners
knives/cutting board
oven mitts
paper towels
antibacterial counter wipes
serving spoon/spatula/tongs
s’mores forks
aluminum foil
garbage bags
tray (round metal)
coffee + coffee pot
olive oil
salt and pepper
water jug
wet wipes
hand soap
cast iron skillet
washing up tub/brush/bowls/dishwashing soap
mystic fire
first aid kit
sleeping bags/air mattresses/pump
masking/duct tape
rain protection
handshadows book/constellations book
bungee cords
swiss army knives
walking sticks
picnic blankets
glow bracelets
fishing rods/tackle

Yeah, I KNOW. It’s ridiculous, but there it is.

All this camping talk is making me want to start researching parks for our next trip….

Warner Parks App

Have you have found yourself biking along the paths in the Warner Parks, paper map in hand, thinking you are all prepared and stuff, only to come to an unmarked fork in the road, and you can’t tell where on the map you actually are? And taking the wrong turn, thus leading you to the opposite end of the park from your car…me neither. Did you happen to have your children along to curse your very existence as they huff and puff up the hills…on Mother’s Day? Yeah, I don’t know ANYTHING about that. If such a calamity were to befall some chump like that, there is hope.

Warner Parks App

This may be old news to everyone but me – I don’t know how I missed the release of this app a few months ago, but I have it now and used it today…so far so good!

It’s interactive, so when you get to that fork in the road, you can see where in the park you are and save yourself the humiliation and tortuous work of having to re-climb Luke Lea Heights….or the shame in allowing your gracious husband to bike all the way back up Page Road and Chickering to get the car so your children don’t file legal separation papers…not that I know anything about that either.

There’s also Flora, Fauna, Geology and Ecology as well as a photo gallery posted by Facebook followers, events, you name it. The only weird thing is that the name of the app is Natural Areas, which is a little misleading, but if you search for Warner Parks in the App store, it will still come up.


Warner Parks App

Happy Trails Nashvillians!


Longtime readers know that turkey encounters are fairly common in my neighborhood, but I was treated to something special this week. Their mating ritual normally stops when we appear, but they were really frisky that day, because I was 30 feet away from them with my camera, and they seemed ambivalent. If only I’d had time to grab my zoom lens.

They strutted and stomped, she lay and retreated, and the dance continued, while I watched like I was Marlin Perkins of the neighborhood. Thing One was able to enjoy some of it with me since we were headed to his bus stop when we encountered this scene in the middle of the road. They made me think of Smokey Robinson and the Miracles…..the dominant tom with his backups had a very Motown performance vibe to it.

Modfrugal/Wild Turkeys in Love

Modfrugal/Wild Turkeys in Love

Modfrugal/Wild Turkeys in Love

Modfrugal/Wild Turkeys in Love

Modfrugal/Wild Turkeys in Love

Modfrugal/Wild Turkeys in Love

Modfrugal/Wild Turkeys in Love

Modfrugal/Wild Turkeys in Love



Road to Hell Series: Brass Owl Nutcracker

So, while most of us would never want to admit we’ve been anything but generous and selfless stalwarts of society, reeking of rainbows and unicorns, there is also that pesky thing called reality.

Something less selfless happened today that is a semi-regular occurrence.  I feel the shame, but I still do the deed…again and again.

I go vintage shopping to find something great and unique for a specific person. I buy said something. I cannot give it away.  NOTE: This only happens with vintage finds. If there is something new I’m buying for someone else, rare angst.  I know I can get one myself should I decide I want to pursue it.  Eccentric vintage modern fabulousness? WAY harder.

It gets worse.

Then, to ease my guilt, I end up buying something a wee bit more extravagant for the giftee, as some bizarre rationalization for keeping something they never even knew about. WHO AM I?!

So, all that to say, I am starting a series called the Road to Hell, so I can show which items have made me such a selfish, greedy lost cause. Because, as the saying goes;  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

We’ll start with today’s transgression. A brass owl nutcracker, found at the new and improved Old Made Good. For all those nuts I crack.

Modfrugal vintage brass nutcracker

Modfrugal vintage brass nutcracker

Modfrugal vintage brass nutcracker


Yes, he’s missing an eye (sound familiar?)

So, go on, admit it…what is your favorite “gift” that never made it to the intended recipient?