
I decided to spiffy up the living room by rearranging some art and FINALLY reorganizing those annoying bookshelves.  Better, I think.  Still room for improvement, but in case you haven’t figured it out by now…nothing is ever finished, it’s always a work in progress…and anything can change, at any time.

I brought my Chinese Pug painting by Paul Edelstein in from the bedroom and I think I like it there.

As for the shelves, I moved out all the classic literature paperbacks, which was a significant chunk! Now they are in an upstairs closet ready for The Minors first English Lit class.  The rest of the books are still filling up the bottom cabinets, but neatly stacked now.  Need. More. Shelves.

Going through all the books got my spring fever kickin’…I don’t think I’ve mentioned my love for all things Sir Terence Conran and Diarmuid Gavin… I possibly have all their gardening books…it’s a sickness.  I can’t WAIT to get the landscaping finished.

Below is a perfect example of why I never have enough bookshelves.  I picked this up at an estate sale for $1.00, who wouldn’t?

Look at it…a nice condition, hardback biography of Zelda Fitzgerald, not to mention a fab cover.  How could you NOT want to read that?  Have I?  Well, not yet…but I WILL.  I have lots of these….sigh.

We spent Valen-New Year hanging out in front of the fire in here…eating spicy pork pot-stickers for lunch and Gorgonzola fondue for dinner.  Don’t ya love days like that?