Learning the Hard Way

I have mentioned that I’m an amateur-ess before, and today, once again, I proved it.

Sorry to those alarmed by the big error message today…..

You weren’t the only one.  I got the same message when I tried to go to my dashboard….”Uh…NO I DI’N’T DELETE MY BLOG…..”

My first thought, for about 5 seconds, was that I’d been hacked…then…”puh-leez, who gives a s**t about this stuff enough to hack it?  Those peeps have better sites to hack…”  After a little digging, I realized my domain had expired yesterday, but none of the links to renew it were working in my dashboard..I felt like I was locked out of the house without a spare key…for about 6 hours.

I won’t get into all the hairy details it took to get back in the house, but I’d like to warn all WordPress.org users who were previously on WordPress.com….put your domain expiration on your calendar! They will NOT e-mail you to let you know they are about to pull the rug out from under you, they put an alert on that WordPress.com dashboard you don’t use anymore….helpful eh?

S0….fellow amateurs and amateur-esses…learn from my foibles and go forth…

And my dear professional and tech savvy readers….yuk it up and enjoy….I lay my dumb-assness out here for your entertainment.

Now, I need a drink…it’s 5 o’clock somewhere, right?