We’re back and busting it big time to get prepped for Saturday’s Haunted Forest. I will try to do better with photos this year..seriously, I’ll try my best. Quick recap of some of the highlights of our trip.
Our excursion to Chichen Itza was as amazing and beautiful as I’d heard it would be. It was also exhausting, not from the steamy mix of heat and rain and endless hours walking around the ruins, but from having Tracy Flick in my tour group of only six people. BTW, Tracy was a burly Canadian. He knows more than you..about EVERYTHING.
Our group was comprised of 3 couples, Tracy and his long suffering wife, us, and a nice Australian couple. The drive out to the ruins (and back) is a couple of hours, so there’s plenty of time to get to know each other. We knew we were in trouble about 10 minutes in…7:45 am. When we pulled into the hotel at 9:00 that evening, we were quite relieved we made it through the day without causing any bodily harm. You’d be proud that I lasted until almost noon before I politely asked him to please let our guide answer my question, since I’d like to hear what the native expert has to say on the subject of Mayan customs. I was quietly thanked later by the grateful Aussies.
So we felt secure about our passports and such with a safe in the room….
…but it’s not the most reassuring amenity of the room.
We went to an outdoor market to pick up something fun for the Things…..
…and we found Mexican wrestling masks. Well, we had to try them on to make sure they were suitable quality..no? Watch out Rey Mysterio….
Cancun is not our scene…AT ALL. But we enjoyed exploring the Yucatan and getting the hell out of the hotel zone.
OK, time to get back to work, I have more bats to glue….