Maybe because it IS.
You’ve heard me whinge about the mud around here many times. Even though we are a (family) shoes off at the door house…the mud is still caked on all those shoes piled up at the door, and constantly scrubbing them, well, sucks. Since we do not anticipate anymore backhoes, bobcats and the such, we can finally try and cover up some of that mud with something green.
We seeded the mud at the side a few days before “the rains” came and we figured they all got washed away…how pleasantly surprised were we to realize those little buggers hung in there and took root. 16 inches of rain certainly gave them enough water to germinate!
The Minors have been asking, oh, every other day when they can have the tire swing back, and the CC says…”not until it’s ready to mow”….aw Dad!
This is our trashy way of keeping it all from washing away…which for the most part worked.
It seemed a bit patchy from all the flooding, so I overseeded it again this past weekend…fingers crossed for some even, lush, green carpet soon. I think I’m getting as excited as the Minors for a “soft place to play” to coin their phrase.
Oh, and my purple basil seeds have germinated…yay!
There’s LOTS of other muddy areas to attend to, but…well…you know….TIME.