The Container Store Preview

Fellow Nashvillian organization geeks…rejoice!  Saturday is the big day wherein we finally have our very own 25,000+ square feet of OCD bliss.  The Container Store has arrived and I was lucky enough to be invited to the preview today.  I didn’t count, but I guess there were close to 20 bloggers there oohing and ahhing along with me.  It’s a good month for Nashville retail; Nordstrom, and now TCS!

One of my top 5 favorite blogs is Chez Larsson.  Benita’s organization posts are true motivators in my attempts to banish clutter.  She is amazingly efficient, due in no small part to her systems and the arranged structure in her home. When I walk into TCS, I feel like I can possibly achieve Benitadom.

I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this, but seeing all the shelves of organizational porn made my heart beat faster, and I’m not talking metaphorically.  I was really, and truly excited because I love this kind of thing.  I get it from my Dad.  When I was growing up, his workshop was impeccably peg boarded and labeled down to the last tack nail.  Nothing out of place.  Flash forward, and I get a bit out of sorts when things get too messy and cluttered..I constantly crave order, but with kids, there have to be compromises….and systems!!!  Let’s look.


All over the store, the vignettes had notes on them everywhere for the big soiree tonight.

Wall after wall of colorful, tidy goodness…..

Lego building stations…..Hmmmmm….


I love the Hicks inspired wrapping paper, as well as the faux bois ….


Who doesn’t love wheels?

I really loved this….it seems to be TCS’s version of the Componibili.  It’s all powder coated metal and all the drawers swivel out like the top one.  It looks more slick in person, my poor camera skills aren’t doing it justice.

AND…I got some swag!!  Wheee!

The long blue thing is a folding form.  Now, I too, can fold a sweater just like in Benetton. (I think that just dated me horribly…do “kids today” even know what that means?  Do they even have Benetton stores anymore, because I haven’t seen one in years.)

Thank you Alexandra and all the crew at The Container Store for inviting me.  I am, indeed, your target audience and I can’t wait to go back and buy a few things…I’ve already started rearranging the mudroom area in my head…and the pantry…..Oh, and the closet….