Hiding in Plain Sight

I’ve started posting photos every other week for the Downtown Antique Mall’s Facebook page.  This is the latest offering…..again, not the best shots, we were rushing a bit today.

Shiny kick-ass boots…gimme.

I may not be a poodle fan, but these are quite something…..plus the pigs in the purse..HA!!!!

Ugh, I have a touch of coulrophobia,  but these things sure get other people excited….*shudder*

This Italian lamp is sooooo beautiful….

To view all 49 photos…go here.

Hiding in Plain Sight

I’ve started to take and post photos for the Downtown Antique Mall’s facebook page so that on snowy days like these, peeps can browse online.  In order to be fair, and represent every dealer, I took a picture of at least one thing in every space.  I didn’t have the tripod, and it was a cloudy day, so not the best quality pics…but we’ll work on that for the next round.

This was an interesting exercise….the cupid and doily booth I would normally breeze past without a second glance HAD to present something redeeming to me.  I really enjoyed looking for something of interest in places I had previously ignored.   I was also able to showcase things I’ve always admired and think someone should have bought months ago!

Like this….I love this chair and don’t know why it’s still there…

Those birds…and everything around it…this space is a goldmine…

You know I love the pottery….

Babs!  Her following is insane, so she won’t last…

This is a needlepoint by number kinda thing…love it!

Since I’ll be doing this on a regular basis, let’s make it a new feature and I’ll share some faves with you here.  To see all 78 pics, go to the mall’s FB photo album here.

Open for Business

It’s been a long week! Monday and Tuesday were dedicated to cleaning and whitewashing the booth, I love the red floor and the light, so white will show off the stuff the best..especially since so many other booths are painted dark colors in a dark place. As I was moving stuff in on Wednesday, I went home to get another load …and returned to my first sale…yipee!! The chair had only been in the booth for an hour!

First sale...in only an hour!

It’s still a bit sparse, but I’d rather hold stuff back than to let it get cluttered. It needs more…but not too much more. I have to give Morgan at the Brick House a shout out since I copied her furry bench job. I wanted to use Icelandic sheepskin, you know, the really long hairy kind, sometimes referred to as “troll hair”?  Well, it’s too pricey for this project, so I went to TJ Maxx and bought a throw of faux fur for $40 and took a seam ripper and scissors to it.  I covered 2 stools, with some left over for another project. I really love the touch of color on the tips of the fur.  I’m only putting one furry stool in the booth at a time…don’t want to look like the “fur booth”.

furry throw seam ripper and scissors

benches before

furry long bench

ready to take to booth

booth 2

Today I went to add some more items and someone bought the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree I had as decoration!  I debated whether to put a price on it, but I know how much I hate it when things aren’t marked, so I did…figures!  I’ll go get another one this weekend.

For those wondering how this shakes out…My little wedge of 71″ x 82″ x 31.5″ costs me $95 a month.  They showed me another booth that was big and nice, but it was $200…too much pressure.  The mall takes 10% and pays all sales tax for me.  They’ll take my rent out of my sales (when there are enough sales).  I’m keeping a spreadsheet of inventory to help me keep up with things.  Phew…the goal was to be open by the weekend and I made it.  Tired.

Booth 50…or SO

So….you are looking at the before shots of Booth 50 in the Downtown Antique Mall in Nashville.  I’m dipping my toe into a little retail.

It’s an antique dive…just the way I like ’em…dusty, dingy and obnoxiously loud when the trains roll by 4 feet from the building.  It’s packed with treasures.  I’ve only lived here a year and a half, but in my wanderings thus far, this place has the best vintage modern selection in town.  Pre to Post Modern ties for grooviness of merchandise, but it’s tiny with a very limited selection.  Yes, I’m biased, but that’s why I wanted these guys to let me play with them…I figured I’d fit in best there.

This week I will put some lipstick on her and fill her up.  Formerly a 40’s-50’s kitchen booth, that teal and yellow must go.  I get great natural light in this little wedge which is pretty rare, given what a dark warehouse it is overall.  I’m pretty lucky.

Thing Two will certainly think I’m Booth # SO.  Poi-fect.

I’m very excited to get going...so much to do…

booth 50

built in shelves

strips for shelving