Just seen on the Jealous Curator and my fawn love got excited. By Shawn Smith. There’s some good avian obsession items too!
Category: Art
So, before we left for our rural getaway, I went to see the new Chihuly exhibit at Cheekwood. It was a hot, sweaty, and totally inspiring day through the gardens and I cannot wait to return for the evenings. Much of what we saw will be lit for 2 nights each week while the exhibition is here. The glass master has graced us with his works to commemorate Cheekwood’s 50th anniversary.
I know you’ll never believe that the Japanese Gardens have always been one of my favorite places in Cheekwood…but the photos don’t do the red bamboo pieces justice. Â In the forest…the sunlight…it was fab.
Because he knows all stars should be a triple threat…Dale also has simultaneous exhibits at the Frist and, well, the Schermerhorn Symphony Center had a big gig planned there before the flood, that got saved by TPAC since the Symphony was under water.
Honestly, there were too many photos to put up here, but it was a delight that I hope our locals take the time to savor. I’ll post again after the evening tour because you KNOW I’m not missing that. Say what you will about him…it was a hell of an exhibit in person and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Barbie Porn
We are still in major water conservation mode…. BTW, the city has adopted a great attitude about it and really banded together. There’s #floodbeards and #floodlegs all over Twitter for conservation efforts involving not shaving…(where’s #floodpits?) You go Nashville! We all stink and we’re proud of it!
Not doing laundry, washing dishes, or pressure washing old decking gives me a bit more time for other things. So, while catching up on some blogs, I found another crush…Boudoir Barbie.
How great are these!? I already have so many pin-ups around the house..why not these? Awesome.
All photos by the talented Critsey Rowe.
Found via the Jealous Curator
Cool Stuff
Instead of attending to your entertainment needs, we’ve been moving loads and loads of dirt (yes, STILL)! So, I thought I’d share this loveliness with you…fave blog of the week alert.
I’m in a garden state of mind these days, and fabulous Domino alum Stephen Orr’s blog What Were the Skies Like is simply divine. I am really jazzed by his recent discovery of Amano Takashi. (Or Takashi Amano..seen it both ways!) How beautiful are these?!
Off to resume digging, deck staining and carpenter bee battling…….
Under a Rock
Where was I when this came out?!
Well, not having seen it before…it is indeed fantastic. A retrospective of Storm Thorgerson‘s work is on in England at Idea Generation Gallery.
Photo via this article on NPR
Woohoo my local peeps! Nashville finally got an Art-O-Mat! Only 13 years after the first one was made in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. For those not familiar, Art-O-Mats are refurbished cigarette machines that dispense small packages of unique goodness…a little piece of art. The artists who provide the items in the machine vary from location to location, but are part of the group Artists in Cellophane, created by Clark Whittington. Click here to see if your town has one….can’t wait to go to The Tennessee Performing Arts Center to see what’s for sale.