This one took me a bit by surprise…..The exterior tour took almost 50 photos and I didn’t even cover everything. I guess doing this little internet thing is good for getting perspective on how much has actually happened in 2 years.
I WIN. Tree rats can eat it…or at least eat something other than my house from now on.
It only went about a month over schedule…mainly due to Nashville Electric’s inability to communicate within its own departments…but it’s done. What a difference!
We are better insulated, tree rat free and looking a helluva lot better to boot. The final guttering etc.. was done while I was away so it was exciting to come home to the finished project. There is one tiny piece of guttering to be fixed and some scraps of metal to be dropped off, but that will take 10 minutes, so in my’s done.
Dale Portman and Barry Choate aka The Coupe did a really fantastic job and brought an awesome crew. They understood what we were going for and did us proud. They stayed on top of things, communicated everything clearly and that is hard to come by these days…Thanks guys!
Now that I have this nice siding…it’s time to paint the windows, foundation, garage door…find some affordable outdoor porch lights….get rid of that nasty lattice….rebuild/stain decking….start rolling change to save up for some serious landscaping..those old rotten steps are crumbling more and more every day…..phew….onward!
My life in the fishbowl is, thankfully, almost over. Let’s be clear, I am not ungrateful for the hardworking men who have brought me this amazing transformation…but with no window treatments anywhere here and 12 people crawling all over your house at every window and door…it’s a bit unnerving after awhile. I KNOW they don’t give a rats ass what I’m doing, but…you know…it can be creepy.
The panels are all up…now it’s just trim pieces, new gutters and a few soffits left to do so I’m hoping by the end of the week, we’re done.
Metal finally arrived late Thursday, so Friday the first panels went up….what a difference.  To be honest, just the house wrap and the edging already made the house look better so this is indeed progress. FINALLY, I’m really able to visualize the whole thing done now and I’m pleased as all get out about it.
Wrapped and Ready
Wrapped and Ready
Contraption for Bending the Metal
How Many Dudes Does it Take….
My Heroes…Dale and Barry at the First Run of Metal
Things are really moving along….The metal sheets are due to arrive today and beacuse of the prepping done during these past 2 weeks, the transformation will be instantaneous. I hope by this time next week I’ll have photos of a metal house to show you!
I thought I’d start off the new site with the first day of the galvalume installation mentioned here and here. Alas, not to be. Materials were delivered today….right color…wrong profile. We ordered the 12 inch striated rib in burnished slate and we got 12 inch minor rib.
The reason we chose the striated was for it’s more forgiving profile. The flat profile of the minor rib shows imperfections that are less obvious with the striated rib. The photos below show the differences in the 2 styles.
Kills ya to look at all that beautiful metal sitting in the yard that you can’t USE.