As promised, I’ll try and summarize what happened around the ranch this past year and see where we’re headed for 2012.
Recaps for previous years here:Â Year One, Year Two
Around the house:
We got rid of the dining room chair rail.
I built a temporary patio/firepit.
I made an ass for myself.
Hosted a huge Halloween Party.
We’re always switching things around in the furniture department.
I seemed to cook a lot of food this year.
We contemplated chickens, but opted instead for a puppy.
I talked about my bedroom wishes (NOT THOSE) but didn’t follow up. I did indeed buy that Home Depot drop cloth after all, so now my mattress on the floor issue is gone. Yay for $30 solutions! I also got new night tables off Craigslist I never showed you.

Otto has decided he must be the supermodel of all my interior shots….every time I’d try and take a photo, he’d settle himself right into the shot.

Yes, that is the Monopoly Man trophy you see. I NEVER win, but managed to pull one out over the holidays so it’s finally my turn to proudly house the trophy…until I lose the next game.

We had a big travel year, and while in New England, I had my heart broken at Brimfield. I seem to have better luck within my budget on my local flea excursions.
We hit up the local Rennaisance Fayre.
Had a big sale.
Doesn’t look like we got a whole lot done compared to past years. But it felt like a busy year…oh yeah, WE BUILT A TREEHOUSE!!!! And it took a long time.
We still haven’t painted the interior, and are beginning to wonder if we really need to. I realized after the leaves fell that I could finally get some decent shots of it so you can see how it relates to the house a bit better.

In summer, the treehouse is almost completely obscured by foliage….but now, it’s quite naked!

The sleeping bunker/level two building plans are on hold to address some more pressing needs around the ranch. Namely a pantry, to keep the dog out of the foodstuffs, and if all goes well, a real bathtub. I always thought we’d do the half bath first, but the lack of proper bathtub in the house is starting to become more and more important to both of us. The CC has been playing soccer on weekends and as he limps home stiff and sore…he’s starting to want a good soak as badly as I do. Time and money will tell. I’ve been pinning ideas for it here.
As for which outlet I should choose to sell my finds? There’s pros and cons to all of them and if I can manage it, a hybrid of the options might be best. Maybe an Etsy shop for smalls and E-bay for big pieces? We’ll see…I’ve actually been pretty busy this winter redoing some dining chair sets for other people. Once I get my last set finished and out the’s time to start selling again. Hope everyone is looking forward to a good 2012…I love the optimism January’s clean slate can bring.