Fun with photography apps!
A few favorite ornaments seemed to be a good place to play around…..
These first two are from my childhood….my parents picked them up for me on their travels in the 70’s.

A family favorite was “Pancho Claus” picked up south of the border. He was a candle in the form of Santa wearing a sombrero….the wick came out of the top of his hat. One brutally hot summer he melted in the attic and we mourned his loss, not unlike a pet. What?! It was the 70’s and Pancho Claus was cool I tell you….Trust.
These glittery little beauties were found at estate sales in my 20’s….from someone elses childhood.

Um…all birds. Sorry.
The red flocked deer below belonged to my parents, and I adored them growing up. They used to be on our dining room table every year, in front of a silver punchbowl full of poinsettias. Sometime in my 20’s or early 30’s, I begged for them, and they were kind enough to oblige. The vintage brass deer candle holders are a recent Etsy purchase.

Felt circles bought from Fred Flare a few years ago are sill holding strong….

On the puppy front, Otto is growing very fast and into everything…..he even tried to chew the lights!

He is Ottofabulous the LoveShark. Sometimes he’s Pushkin (the CC wanted to name him that at one point, so it’s one of his bazillion nicknames.)

What are some of your favorite holiday decorations? Hannukah, Chinese New Year, etc.. Is there a piece from your childhood that you cherish, or have you gotten something new that will be a keeper for years?
 Photos brought to you by Diptic, Hipstamatic, Big Lens and Instagram. I found a plug- in that imports the Instagram photos to the right sidebar, so the latest snaps will be there. I swear, I will pick up the SLR again at some point.